x86, also commonly referred to as IA-32, are processors that are descendants, or share the same basic instruction set with, the original 8086 processor from Intel. With regards to Linux, it relates more to 32-bit descendants of the 80386. X86 processors include:
- Intel 80386 - Referred to as i386. The Linux kernel dropped support for this processor in 2012.
- Intel 80486 - Referred to as i486.
- Intel Pentium - Referred to as i586.
- Intel Pentium Pro - Referred to as i686. Most modern distros are optimized for this and later processors.
- Intel Pentium II
- Intel Pentium III
- Intel Celeron - Note that Celerons are stripped-down versions of the Pentium II and later.
- Intel Pentium 4
- Intel Xeon - Xeons are high-end versions of the Pentium II and later designed for use in servers.
- Intel Core - Includes Solo and Duo (Legacy) and modern versions.
- Intel Core 2 - Includes Solo, Duo, and Quad versions.
- AMD Am386
- AMD Am486 - i486
- AMD 5x86 - i486
- AMD K5 - i586
- AMD K6 - i586
- AMD K6-2 and K6-3 - i586
- AMD Athlon (Legacy) - i686
- AMD Duron
- AMD Athlon XP
- AMD Opteron
- AMD Athlon 64 - See also AMD64
- AMD Athlon 64 X2
- AMD Phenom
- Cyrix 5x86 - i586?
- Cyrix 6x86 - i586
- Cyrix MediaGX - i586
- Cyrix 686 - i686?
- Cyrix M3 - i686