Linux Wiki
Linux Wiki
Ubuntustudio-icon Ubuntu Studio
2007 (edit)
Version: 19.04 Disco Dingo (edit)
Release Date: April 18, 2019 (edit)
Next Release: 19.10 (edit)
Platform(s): x86, x86-64 (edit)
Packaging: DEB (edit)
Interface(s): Xfce (edit)
Derivative of: Ubuntu (edit)
Home Page: (edit)

Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia creation focused flavor of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Studio is aimed at the GNU/Linux audio, video and graphic enthusiast as well as professional.

It provides a suite of the best open-source applications available for multimedia creation. Completely free to use, modify and redistribute. Your only limitation is your imagination.

External links[]

Official Ubuntu Flavours
EdubuntuKubuntuLubuntuUbuntu BudgieUbuntu Cinnamon
Ubuntu KylinUbuntu MATEUbuntu StudioUbuntuUbuntu UnityXubuntu