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About Linux Wiki
What is Linux
Linux, formally known as "GNU/Linux" is a family of Unix-like operating systems with the Linux kernel at the center of it. Created by Linus Torvalds and first released on September 17, 1991
What Linux does
Primarily known for powering most things that keep our day to day lives going in a tech focused world. Linux is also available in a number of intractable ways such as being used in lieu of Operating Systems such as Microsoft's Windows OS and Apple's Mac OS X. It is known for its open source and versatile nature as well as a supporter of free open source software, more commonly known as FOSS. Linux distributions known by the community as "distros" is designed to put the power of your technology back into your hands,
Our Goal
The goal of this wiki is to bring together as much information that will assist users on all levels to understand and use Linux. Linux Wikia aims to provide a resource that is distinct, by giving significantly different versions of the same product their own article, or the inclusion of historical information and distros that might still be useful. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to join us in bringing yours and others knowledge of the most versatile Operating System there is to the public

