Linux Wiki
Linux Wiki
Icon-none Crux
2001 (edit)
Version: 3.0 (edit)
Release Date: January 18, 2013 (edit)
Next Release: Unknown (edit)
Platform(s): i686, x86-64, PowerPC (edit)
Packaging: tar.gz (edit)
Interface(s): Blackbox (edit)
Derivative of: Independent (edit)
Home Page: (edit)

CRUX is a lightweight, i686-optimized Linux distribution targeted at experienced Linux users. The primary focus of this distribution is keep it simple, which is reflected in a straightforward tar.gz-based package system, BSD-style initscripts, and a relatively small collection of trimmed packages. The secondary focus is utilization of new Linux features and recent tools and libraries. CRUX also has a ports system which makes it easy to install and upgrade applications.
