Defunct Distro |
This distro is no longer under active development. It may have serious bugs or security flaws that will not be fixed by the developers. This page remains here for informational, archival, and/or historic purposes only. Use of this distro is not recommended. |
aptosid was an operating system based on the Linux kernel, Debian's unstable branch commonly refered to as "Sid" and many free and open source applications. The distribution consists of a Live-CD (bootable CD-ROM) for i686 or amd64 architecture and can be installed to a hard drive through a graphical installer.
The Goal of aptsoid was to provide people with the means to update their system without having to reflash the whole OS. While it is still available to download it is not recommended. As of January 2013, the website and distro have not been updated leaving it to go defunct
aptosid was maintained by a small team of developers including former Kanotix developer Stefan Lippers-Hollmann (slh).